Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The Essential Elements of a Good Silk Tie

Few clothing accessories denote style and luxury as a silk tie can. Silk ties add an exceptional gleam to a men’s suit, offering both chromatic interest and personal expression. No other material in a tie can make it look so rich and glamorous. Silk ties benefit from the better-off dies used by silk producers and the proficiency of high-end designers. Fashion experts often combine well-tailored suit with silk ties to make it look perfect.

A good silk tie, with a perfect cut, style and width, can gracefully carry off the entire attire on its shoulders. It helps to pull the entire suit in the most elegant way. A well designed silk tie can draw the viewers’ attention on the wearer and facilitates better social connection.

Business and fashion experts believe that a tie speaks a lot about a person’s personality and preferred image. Silk ties often come in very bold color schemes and patterns which imply supremacy or retreat. If they are combined well, with the shirt and the suit, it will symbolize a sense or organization and self-neatness. Other ties my symbolize fashion and style but its silk ties, which gives a very elegant and a rich look.

However, the most essential element of a silk tie is its maintenance. Since the fabric is very delicate, it is advisable that it is cleaned by professionals only. It is wise to store it in a tie rack for longer life and better service. With proper care, expensive silk ties can last for years.

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